If you see the text (FR) or Freely-Received in the title of the program, that is a catch-all term for freeware, shareware, public-domain, open-source. and other 'less commercial' items such as those bundled with the OS or on a magazine cover-disc. That is not to say these are necessarily of lower quality! Please note, sometimes adding this label is guesswork, and may be incorrectly applied or missing from certain titles. Files are in one of the following formats .ADF - disc images 800k or 1600k disc images suitable for use in emulators. Or with the use of ADFImager written back to physical discs. Or used with ADFFS as a virtual .HFE - disc images HFE disc images are at a lower level than .ADF discs, and can support several variations of copy protection. .PDF - Adobe PDF files for manuals etc .ZIP - PKZIP, sparkfs archives or arcfs archives. These should be decompressed inside RISC OS to preserve their filetypes. !Sparkplug can open all three variants. .ISO.ZIP - CDROM Images inside zip archives, may well need to be unzipped before use .BINCUE.ZIP - CDROM Images inside zip archives, may well need to be unzipped before use