Title: UNIXCMDS Author: Alun Jones Version: 2.00 Title From: Documentation Author From: Documentation Version From: Documentation Supplier: Alun Jones (auj@uk.ac.aber) Date: 23/10/93 Keywords: Shareware: No Machine: Archimedes Operating system: RISCOS Memory requirements: Peripherals needed: Other s/ware needed: PERL (a/a049) for some utilities Directory: micros/arch/riscos/b/b085 Date mounted/updated: 23/11/95 File names: unixcmds.arc Unarchived files: 28 Unarchived size: 75 kbytes Omissions: See also: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquiring the package: Download the archive file(s) and extract using SparkPlug 2 (see the "tools_help" file in arch/riscos/tools for further info). Description: This package contains a collection of command-line utilities similar to those found on UNIX. The advantage of these commands over simple aliases is that they perform mapping between the UNIX syntax (/usr/lib/file1) and the RISC OS syntax ($.usr.lib.file1). Two sets are included; a standalone set of utilities: chunky, spice, glob, ls, strings, time, unsqueeze, xargs, cd, df, du, fclose, mkdir, reboot, rm, rmdir and a set of perl scripts: cat, head, tail, mv, dirs, popd, pushd, tr, unalias, alias, which