Title: ArMaTuReS Author: Don Knuth Version: 2.90 Title From: Documentation Author From: Documentation Version From: Documentation Supplier: Graham Toal (gtoal@uk.ac.ed) Date: 01/02/92 Keywords: Text processors ; Text formatting programs ; Spelling checkers ; File viewers ; Device drivers Shareware: No Machine: Archimedes Operating system: RISCOS Memory requirements: Peripherals needed: Other s/ware needed: Directory: micros/arch/riscos/a/a160 Date mounted/updated: 06/10/92 File names: boot.arc dvijep.arc common1.arc common2.arc dvidjp.arc dvialw.arc dvieps.arc texfonts17.arc latexfntp2.arc rcs.arc samples.arc system.arc dvil3p.arc tests1.arc tests2.arc texfonts18.arc texfonts2.arc texfonts11.arc texfonts12.arc texfontsp3.arc latex.arc latexfont2.arc mfinputs1.arc beebe3.arc texlib1.arc unpackme.arc texlib2.arc vdutype.arc texlib3.arc userstyle.arc 440formats.arc 440library.arc a160list.doc latexsty33.arc mfinputs2.arc mfinputs3.arc texfonts3.arc texinputs.arc texfonts4.arc web2ctex1.arc amsfonts.arc latexinp1.arc texfonts6.arc web2ctex2.arc beebe4.arc preview.arc bibtex.arc texfonts8.arc 310format2.arc latexsty22.arc texfontsp2.arc latexsty31.arc texfontsp4.arc mfformat.arc latexfntp1.arc beebe1.arc beebe2.arc mispell.arc latexinp2.arc latexsty1.arc texfonts7.arc bibinputs.arc texfonts5.arc bibtexs.arc latexsty11.arc latexsty12.arc 310format1.arc latexsty2.arc texfonts1.arc texfonts9.arc latexfont1.arc latexsty21.arc texfonts10.arc texfontsp1.arc 310library.arc latexsty32.arc texfonts13.arc texfonts14.arc texfontsp5.arc texfonts15.arc texfonts16.arc amsstyle.arc Unarchived files: 2085 Unarchived size: 19691 Kbytes Omissions: See also: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquiring the package: Download the uuencoded files and extract using SparkPlug 2 (see the "tools_help" file in arch/riscos/tools for further info). Start by retrieving a160main.uue and the files marked as containing programs. You will probably not need most of the font files to begin with. The !dvixxx applications are printer drivers: dvialw for PostScript printers, dvidjp for HP Deskjet Plus/500 printers etc. The source code in dvidjp is more recent than that in the beebe archives and so should be unpacked afterwards. The 16 standard fonts for TeX (cmr5,7,10, cmbx5,7,10, cmsl10, cmti0, cmtt10, cmmi5,7,10, cmsy5,7,10 and cmex10) appear in the the files a160tf01.uue, a160tf02.uue, a160tf03.uue, a160tf04.uue, a160tf06.uue, a160tf07.uue, a160tf08.uue, a160tf09.uue, a160tf13.uue, a160tf14.uue, a160tf15.uue and a160tf17.uue. A complete list of the contents of all the archives is available in the file a160list.doc Description: This is Edinburgh Software Product's public domain implementation of the text processing package TeX. It should be referred to as `ArMaTuReS' rather than `TeX' as it has not been tested using the TeX validation suite. The package also contains (in separate files): BiBTeX for producing bibliographies LaTeX macros for TeX MetaFont for creating fonts (no Wimp interface yet) MISpell a spelling checker VduType for configuring the monitor type Preview for viewing DVI files (TeX output) [version 1.30, 02/03/91] Printer drivers for various kinds of printers (PostScript, Deskjet etc.)