Author:			Mitch Bradley
Version:		3.1
Title From:		Documentation
Author From:		Documentation
Version From:		Documentation
Supplier:		Hanno Schwalm (support@4thware.winnet.de)
Date:			26/02/96
Keywords:		Programming languages ; Forth
Shareware:		Yes
Machine:		Archimedes
Operating system:	RISCOS
Memory requirements:	
Peripherals needed:	
Other s/ware needed:	
Directory:		micros/arch/riscos/c073
Date mounted/updated:	27/02/96
File names:		docs.zip
Unarchived files:	246
Unarchived size:	2034 kbytes
See also:		TILEFORTH (a111), AFORTH (a293)


Acquiring the package:

Download the archive file(s) and extract using SparkPlug 2
(see the "tools_help" file in micros/arch/riscos/tools for further info).

The workdisc.zip holds the complete environment, all other files are tools.
You should include them as described in Forthmacs !Help file.


RiscOS Forthmacs 3.1 is a port of the long-existing workstation FORTH
dialect Forthmacs. It has been widely used on Sparc, Sun-68k, Macintosh,
Atari-ST., OS9 and other workstations for a number of years.  It's
exeptionally stable and has been the basis of the Open Boot architecture.

RiscOS Forthmacs is an optimized, direct threaded code port for ARM based
computers and comes with the a complete software developing environment.

* html & ascii docs
* assembler (bi-endian, macros, extentable, structures)
* debuggers (highlevel, machine-code)
* disassembler, decompiler
* object-handling (multiple-code fields)
* local variables
* shelled applications with Forthmacs swapping in/out
* expect history
* command-completion
* SWI compiler interface
* runtime profiler
* rs-232 interface using !SerialDev
* multitasking
* spreadsheet
* mail-server

Users are asked to register (40 Pds), they will get a printed 200p manual,
complete online documentation & support.

The METAcompiler including all sources plus more tools for cross-platform
developing is also available (40pds), additional assemblers will be given
on request. This is ONLY available for registered users.