Title: PSUTILS Author: Angus Duggan (angus@harlequin.co.uk) Version: 1.00 Title From: Documentation Author From: Documentation Version From: Documentation Supplier: Graham Jones (Graham.Jones@physiol.ox.ac.uk) Date: 29/09/95 Keywords: File conversion programs ; Postscript Shareware: No Machine: Archimedes Operating system: RISCOS Memory requirements: Peripherals needed: Other s/ware needed: Directory: micros/arch/riscos/d161 Date mounted/updated: 16/10/95 File names: psutils.arc Unarchived files: 51 Unarchived size: 211 kbytes Omissions: See also: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquiring the package: Download the archive file(s) and extract using SparkPlug 2 (see the "tools_help" file in micros/arch/riscos/tools for further info). Description: PSUtils is a port of the 'psutils' suite of programs, originally written by Angus Duggan. A frontend is provided making use of the programs much simpler and removing the need to know all the command line options. Included are the following utilities: psbook Rearranges pages into signatures psselect Extracts pages and page ranges from PostScript documents pstops Performs general page rearrangement and selection psnup Put multiple pages per physical sheet of paper psresize Alter document paper size epsffit Fits an EPSF file to a given bounding box