Author: Mike Williams
Version: 1.15
Title From: Documentation
Author From: Documentation
Version From: Documentation
Supplier: Mike Williams
Date: 17/02/96
Keywords: File conversion programs ; Hypertext processors
Shareware: No
Machine: Archimedes
Operating system: RISCOS
Memory requirements:
Peripherals needed:
Other s/ware needed:
Directory: micros/arch/riscos/e075
Date mounted/updated: 23/02/96
File names: unhtml.arc
Unarchived files: 14
Unarchived size: 63 kbytes
See also:
Acquiring the package:
Download the archive file(s) and extract using SparkPlug 2
(see the "tools_help" file in micros/arch/riscos/tools for further info).
UnHTML converts HTML to Plain Text, Impression, or Draw Textarea format.
It can also extract bookmarks from links found on HTML pages. It even
makes a feeble attempt to represent HTML forms, but not tables.
* Plain Text format: Removes the tags and keeps the text.
* Impression format: Retains the text and the formatting.
* Draw Textarea: Retains the text and most of the formatting.
* Termite Bookmark: Extracts the links and makes a bookmark file.
* ArcWeb Hotlist: Extracts the links and makes a hotlist file.
* Webster Hotlist: Extracts the links and makes a hotlist file.