Title: THUMP Author: Rick Hudson Version: 1.01 Title From: Documentation Author From: Documentation Version From: Documentation Supplier: Rick Hudson Date: 19/10/97 Keywords: Image processing systems Shareware: No Machine: Archimedes Operating system: RISCOS Memory requirements: Peripherals needed: Other s/ware needed: RISC OS 3.6 or later Directory: micros/arch/riscos/f061 Date mounted/updated: 09/11/97 File names: thump.zip Unarchived files: 7 Unarchived size: 69 kbytes Omissions: See also: THUMBNAIL (b195) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquiring the package: Download the archive file(s) and extract using SparkPlug 2 (see the "tools_help" file in micros/arch/riscos/tools for further info). Description: Thump is a JPEG thumbnail browser. Thump differs from most other thumbnail applications in that it does not build and store a special set of thumbnails - it generates them in real time as you browse the directory structure. Because of the real-time nature it is suitable for sets of images that change from time to time because there is no thumbnail library to be outdated. Text association and searching facilities are present and it has a built in viewer for seeing the full sized image.