TeXFonts distribution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The full TeXFonts installation is currently around 11Mb. So you can minimise the amount of disc space (and downloading time, if you're getting the fonts from the Internet), the distribution has been split up so that you can download only the files you need. Standard downloads ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are a few 'standard' types of users and the archives they need to download: 1) You just want to preview some dvi documents (using DVIview 1.02 or later) or to try out TeX/LaTeX to see what they're like. Download: TeXFonts Old BaK1core BaK1ro (and BaK1ps to print the documents on a PostScript printer) 2) You want to produce documents and you're happy with the standard TeX/LaTeX fonts. Download: TeXFonts Old BaK1core BaK1ro BaK2core BaK2ro (omit this if you're not worried about top-quality output) (and BaK1ps and BaK2ps to print the documents on a PostScript printer) 3) You want to use dvips for quality PostScript output. Download: TeXFonts Old MFBase BaK1core BaK1mf BaK1ro BaK2core BaK2mf BaK2ro (omit this if you're not worried about top-quality screen output) (and BaK1ps and BaK2ps to print the documents via !Printers) (and VPoScript if you want to use the printer's built-in fonts in your documents) If you're a more advanced user you can look in the section below to determine exactly which archives you need. Details (for advanced users) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** To start with download the TeXFonts archive ***** TeXFonts is split into a number of packages: MFBase ------ The MFBase archive/package contains the metafont files for creating common TeX fonts. You only need this if you use Metafont (e.g. you need pk files) Old --- This contains a number of fonts that you are likely to need but are not in the BaKoMa package (see below) because the BaKoMa versions could not be converted to RISC OS outline format. You need this if you are using LaTeX graphics or are using anything more than simple maths (i.e. you need cmex10). VPoScript --------- This contains virtual fonts for PostScript fonts. You only need this if you wish to produce PostScript output (via dvips) and you want to use the printer's fonts rather than TeX's fonts. BaKoMa ------ This contains all the standard TeX fonts and some of the AMS fonts. It is a very large package and so has been broken up into 5 parts each of which has archives with the following suffixes: ...core Contains the tfm files (and possibly other package files) ...mf Contains mf files You only need this if you use metafont (e.g. you need pk files) ...ps Contains type 1 postscript versions of the fonts You only need this if you print to Postscript via !Printers (e.g. from DVIview). If you don't have these and try to print to Postscript the system will crash (this is a problem with the outline fonts and !Printers). ...ro Contains RISC OS outline versions of the fonts You need this if you wish to view the fonts accurately under RISC OS (e.g. using DVIview). The five parts are: 1) A font for each standard type style (e.g. cmr10) You need these 2) Standard sizes for the standard types (e.g. cmr6, cmr7 etc.) You don't need these if you just want to preview documents (DVIview v1.02 and later will do a good job of substituting for these fonts) or you just want to try TeX/LaTeX out (they should substitute for missing fonts). 3) These are non-standard computer modern fonts (e.g. cmcsc, cmbsy, cmtex) Most people won't need these but if the standard fonts aren't enough for you, try these. A1) A font for each AMS type style More maths fonts (eufb8, eufm8, eurb8, eurm8, eusb8, eusm8, msam8, msbm8) A2) Additional sizes for the AMS type styles (5, 6, 7, 9, 10) --- Paul Field paul.field@dial.pipex.com