Title: PROFILER Author: Thomas Olsson Version: 1.19 Title From: Documentation Author From: Documentation Version From: Documentation Supplier: Thomas Olsson Date: 13/05/97 Keywords: File managers Shareware: No Machine: Archimedes Operating system: RISCOS Memory requirements: Peripherals needed: Other s/ware needed: RISC OS 3.7 or later Directory: micros/arch/riscos/f025 Date mounted/updated: 19/05/97 File names: profiler.zip Unarchived files: 50 Unarchived size: 278 kbytes Omissions: See also: NEWFILER (a265), DESKPATCH (a279), FILERPATCH (a303), IDEFILER (b112), FILER- (c017), OVERFILER (c099), FILERFIX (d023), FILTERS (d042), FASTERACT (e049), RAMFILER (e145) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquiring the package: Download the archive file(s) and extract using SparkPlug 2 (see the "tools_help" file in micros/arch/riscos/tools for further info). Description: ProFiler is a replacement Filer for the desktop, that contains all the functionality of the ROM-Filer and more. This is a demo version. Read the !Help file to find out how to get the full version. List of main features: * Rename-in-place (Alt-click on object). * Access-in-place (Alt-click on attributes). * Select files in several viewers at once. * Very fast viewer update, uses Wimp_BlockCopy. * Hang-clicking is supported (and optional). * Objects can be hidden from view. * CTRL-open is not forgotten about. * A status bar can show the size of your selection. * Booting of applications happens in the background. * Updates relevant files when a filetype sprite becomes available. * The width of the objects is properly calculated, and the widest object sets the standard in the viewer. This applies to both the name and the sprite. * Key shortcuts for the majority of functions. Also things that are not in the menus, like moving around in the viewer and running objects. * Key shortcuts are fully definable, and unused shortcuts can be used for external utilities. * The input focus will never be 'stolen' from another application, unless explicitly told to do so. * A large number of things are customisable. * Module is about 48K, written exclusively in assembler. * Third-party extension modules for providing thumbnails for objects. JPEG, Draw, Sprite and ARMovie clients included. * Extended full-info display: Turn columns on and off or switch them around. * All of the choices for a viewer can be stored locally for that viewer. * Seperate options for each file-operation, eg. turn on Confirm for delete, but not for everything else. * Cache system for thumbnails, and option to save pieces of the cache in the places where it will be needed. * Service calls, wimp messages and SWIs allow applications to take advantage of the Filer's extended abilities. * System variables allow easy extensions without having to program.