Title: DiskBase Author: Jan Ganzevles Version: 0.78 Title From: Author From: Version From: Supplier: Jan Ganzevles (jan.ganzevles@unisys.com) Date: Keywords: Disk directory database Shareware: No Machine: Archimedes Operating system: RISCOS 2.0 - 3.7, StrongARM compatible Memory requirements: > 160 Kbytes Peripherals needed: Other s/ware needed: Directory: Date mounted/updated: File names: diskbs78.arc Unarchived files: 45 Unarchived size: 363 kbytes Omissions: See also: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquiring the package: Download the archive file(s) and extract using SparkPlug 2 (see the "tools_help" file in arch/riscos/tools for further info). Description: !DiskBase is a program for cataloging disks, with possibility to do a wildcard search or check for duplicates. It can also print disklabels for floppies, specifying disk name, contents, owners name, free space etc. Very short summary of the !Help file: Why !DiskBase ? --------------- The programs you use a lot, are often easy to find. But how about the rest, especially if they are stored on floppies? A diskette label is too small to print a complete directory on and having separate printouts it can still be time consuming to find just the one file you're looking for. But now there is ............ !DiskBase What !DiskBase does. -------------------- It gives you the possibility to: - ADD directory info of any disk (including CD's) to the datafile. - DELETE a diskname (and of course the entries of that disk). - SHOW disk names and optional their contents. - SEARCH for (wildcarded) entry names on (wildcarded) disknames. - DUPLICATES check which files and/or applications have duplicates. - RESULTS save RESULTS as a textfile on disk. - SAVE the datafile to disk. - STATUS displays a status window with info about the loaded datafile. - LABELS opens a printerpage with labels of disks to be printed. On the printerpage you can: - DELETE LABEL deletes a label from the printpage. - INVERT LABEL changes the layout of the printed labels. - LABEL SIZE specify the dimensions of the labels to print. - OWNER'S NAME specify the name of the owner to be printed on the labels. - FONT specify the font to be used for printing. - PRINT print the current page. !DiskBase 0.78 is compatible with all RiscOS 3 releases up to and including RiscOS 3.7 and also with a StrongARM. It may also still be RiscOS 2 compatible, although not guaranteed anymore nor tested againts. New in this release: - Save results as CSV-file - Extended options for 'Find Duplicates' - 'Duplicates' results window layout changed - Some bug-fixes