!nstall is a program making it easy for users to install software on RISC OS computers. Installing software is more complicated than it used to be, because modern programs commonly need to be supplied with system resources to ensure they work across as many systems as possible, especially since the release of RISC OS 5. !nstall enables developers to supply various system resources along with their applications with flexible delivery media while making the process easy for end users with a Wizard-like progression through pages in a window for customising the installation, and progress bars while the files are being copied and unpacked, showing overall and per-disc progress. !nstall itself is released under a BSD style licence but makes use of tar and bzip2 which have alternative but compatible free licences. !nstall was originally released under the GPL but I changed it to lift restrictions on commercial use. The slightly weird name is because Install, being fairly obvious, was already taken.